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New version of SmartToken for Android in Google Playstore

Due to Google Play requirements, we were forced to provide the SmartToken as a new App under a new name:

OneTimePass.ID SmartToken.

The "OneTimePass.ID SmartToken" (V1.3.6) app provides the same range of functions as the previous "TeleSec OneTimePass SmartToken" (V1.3.5) app.
The app "OneTimePass.ID SmartToken"(V1.3.6) can be installed on smartphones and tablets with Android version 7.0 and higher.
The "TeleSec OneTimePass SmartToken"(V1.3.5) app is still available in the Google Play Store and can be installed on smartphones and tablets with Android version 5.0 or higher.


There is currently no need for action for existing installations.

If you have further questions on this topic, please contact our support: .

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