User Certificates as of 01.09.2023 in the Business.ID The Business.ID will implement the requirements of the S/MIME BR as of 01.09.2023 as follows. Name in Business.ID Name in S/MIME BR commonName Example natural person sponsor-validated given name and surname Max Mustermann pseudonym sponsor-validated commonName without given name or surname pseudonym01 legal entity organization-validated commonName is identical to organization name company ldt. (functional) groups and roles organization- validated commonName is identical to first email address robots and automats No longer provided No longer provided No longer provided Important notes:New signer as of 01.09.2023: "Telekom Security BusinessID SMIME CA 2023" A certificate issued before 01.09.2023 is still valid and will not be revoked. The OU fields in the certificates are omitted; These are available in the platform, analogous to server certificates (TLS). Please keep this in mind regarding your applications. The prefixes - e.g. GRP:, GRP_, PS - in the commonName are no longer allowed. Please keep this in mind when issuing a new certificate! Natural persons: according to RFC, a maximum of 16 characters is allowed for the given name and a maximum of 40 characters for the surname. Pseudonym: only 64 characters are allowed in the commonName. Legal entity: The commonName is automatically set as the organization name (O-field) (functional) groups and roles: Only one validated email address is allowed in the commonName field. The email field is automatically set to the commonName. Thus, the CN and email field are identical. Robots and automatons: This subtype is no longer supported. Alternatively, please use the type (functional) groups and roles. Your Team from Business.ID (SBCA)